الاستشهاد بالرواية الموضوعة في اللغة والحديث عند اللغويين النحويين والمحدثين دراسة أصولية مقارنة

Citing Fabricated Narrations In Language And Hadith According To Grammatical And Modern Linguists, A Comparative Fundamentalist Study


  • الدكتور عبد المؤمن أبو بكر قسم اللغات (شعبة اللغة العربية) كلية الإنسانيات والعلوم الاجتماعية، جامعة الحكمة، إلورن، نيجيريا abdulmuminabubakar2022@gmail.com +2348033818570 Author
  • الدكتور ذكر الله أيوفى شافعي قسم اللغات (شعبة اللغة العربية) كلية الإنسانيات والعلوم الاجتماعية، جامعة الحكمة، إلورن، نيجيريا dhikrullah66@gmail.com +2348131320252 Author


The research discusses one of the terms of the behavioral controls for linguistic and hadith narration, which is the subject or the fabricated one. Grammatical linguists and hadith scholars distinguished between the levels of acceptance of the narration, as they vary between the correct, the weak, and the fabricated. The suitability between the fabricated hadith and the fabricated language is a downfall for each of them, and in both of them there is a decline in rank from the others, and in both of them there is a meaning. Generation, creativity, and finding what does not exist. The paper adopts historical, descriptive and analytical methods of research. Historical method assists in accounting for the historical trend of fabrication in both Hadith and language. Descriptive method help in explaining the terminologies while analytical method is used to analyse the terms. The research has concluded that denying the invocation and citing of the Prophetic hadith according to linguists necessitates denying the invocation of Arabic speech, because the issue in transmitting the language is the issue in transmitting the hadith. The presence of fabrication in the Prophetic hadith does not prevent it from being an evidence in language and grammar. This will also stimulate the research to verify and document linguistic materials. It will also place linguistic grammar in the place of practical, applied level and not the theoretical level only.


